Historic & Patriotic Dates
President's Day
George Washington, born on February 22, 1732, was the first President of the United States of America. President’s Day takes place every year on his birthday. The celebration of Washington's Birthday brings about another opportunity to remember to pay honor and tribute to the beloved veterans of our country, as he led the nation through the Revolutionary War.
Memorial Day
In the United States, we set aside 'Memorial Day' to remember and give honor to all those who have given their lives in the military service of our country. Memorial Day is a Federal Holiday, and is presently observed on the last Monday in the month of May each year.
Independence Day
Also known as the Fourth of July, Independence Day marks the date of the year when the Second Continental Congress ratified the declaration of independence. Independence day is a a civil holiday for the celebration of the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is an official 'holiday' in the United States set aside to honor all military veterans of our country and the sacrifices they have made. It is celebrated annually, and is recognized as both a federal holiday and a state holiday within all of our fifty states.
Gold Star Mothers Day
It is with both pride and sadness that we annually remember the Gold Star Mothers of our United States Armed Forces on the last Sunday of the month of September. Our pride in their valor, courage, and strength goes beyond anything we can express. Brave Americans who have raised their children to be outstanding citizens and committed patriots.
POW/MIA Recognition Day
Today, the third Friday of September, is observed annually in America as POW/MIA Recognition Day. From morning to evening, solemn ceremonies of remembrance are held throughout our country which pay homage to our wartime Armed Forces personnel who have been or are being held captive and to those who are missing in action.
Pearl Harbor Day
Japan launched their surprise aerial attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. This kicked off America’s involvement in World War I, and the date remembers those who fought in or served at Pearl Harbor during the surprise attack.
Patriot Day
On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Towers, the pentagon, and another plane where the occupants rebelled against the hijackers and crashed into a field, marked the largest terrorist attack on United States soil. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, carried out by terrorists from Al-Qaeda, President George W. Bush proclaimed Friday, September 14, 2001 as a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001.
Marine Birthday
Two hundred and thirty-four years ago, a committee of our Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to draft a resolution which would establish two battalions of Marines to fight for a democratic people's independence on sea and shore. This resolution was approved on November 10, 1775, officially forming our 'Continental Marines', the naval infantry. Now being named the Marine Corps, November 10th is celebrated annually to honor those serving in or that have previously served in the Marines.
Coast Guard Birthday
The United State Coast Guard was founded on August 4, 1970. The Coast Guard is a unique branch of the Armed Forces of our country. It has a mission of upholding maritime law enforcement (holding jurisdiction in both international and domestic waters). Now, August 4th is celebrated to recognize those who have served or are currently served in the Coast Guard.
Army Birthday
The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year, leading to the official creation of the United States Army. June 14 now celebrates the Army’s birthday, and those who have served or are currently serving in the United States Army.
Navy Day
In 1922, the Navy League of the United States selected October 27th as 'Navy Day', a day in which to recognize and celebrate our Naval Forces. Navy Day honors those currently serving in the Navy, and those who have previously served and recognizes their contributions to society.
Air Force Birthday
The United States Air Force became a separate military service on September 18, 1947 with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947. September 18 now celebrates the birthday of the Air Force, recognizing those serving and who have previously served in the Air Force.